Hello, if you have not seen my first post on the Custom Skin Implementer, please go here.
Today I will be explaining how you can implement your own custom skin to TerraCraft, with the mod “Custom Skins”, made by me:
First, you will need your custom skin folder, which contains something like this:
It should be located in “TerraCraft\devmods\CustomSkins\textures\skins\”, you have to put the folder containing the skin in it.
once you have the skins folder ready, navigate to “CustomSkins/data”, once you are there, you will find a .JSON file with the name “skins”, edit it with notepad or other applicable alternatives, I am using Notepad++ for editing the .JSON file.
Once you are there, you will see something like this:
Now you have to add this before the first curly bracket:
"(skinname)": {
"isFemale": (skingender),
"headTexture": "skins\\(skinname)\\head.png",
"bodyTexture": "skins\\(skinname)\\body.png",
"legTexture": "skins\\(skinname)\\leg.png",
"hairTexture": "skins\\(skinname)\\hair.png",
"clothTexture": "skins\\(skinname)\\cloth.png",
"pantTexture": "skins\\(skinname)\\pant.png"
Replace “(skinname)” with the name of your skin folder and replace “(skingender)” with true or false (if true your character will be located in the “female” section of character creation, if false it will be located in the male section)
After that, save the .JSON file.
I hope this helped some of you to implement your own skins to the mod, thank you for reading this and have fun with TerraCraft!