Change Logs
Game mechanism update:
- Data flattening processing is realized, the concepts of mod ID namespace and global ID namespace are introduced, and all hard-coded digital IDs are removed.
- Realized multi-mod support, allowing to make and load mods. If you want to make a mod, you can refer to the official mod documentation: data documentation, API documentation, and official development tutorials. The tutorial is continuously updated.
- Translating a large number of built-in C++ codes of TerraCraft into Json and Lua mod codes, the content of TerraCraft game now exists in the form of open source read-only mod. If you want to develop your own mods, you can view the TerraCraft mod source code in the devmods/terracraft folder. In theory, you can make all the content that the original version of TerraCraft can do.
- Added creative mode and adventure mode. Now the game mode has three modes: survival mode, creative mode, and adventure mode. You can select the game mode in the new map interface. The world save and character save in the Pre-Alpha version adopt the survival mode by default. In the creative mode map, players can enter “/gamemode survival” to enter survival mode, enter “/gamemode adventure” to enter adventure mode, and enter “/gamemode creative” to return to creative mode.
- Players in creative mode have a through-wall flight mode. Press the space bar twice quickly to turn on or off the through-wall flight mode.
- In the creative mode, players can take out items from the recipe interface, just click the “Search Mode” button in the upper right corner of the recipe interface to switch to “God Mode”.
- Players in creative mode can use unlimited tools and weapons.
- Players in creative mode can have unlimited enchantments.
- Players in creative mode will not be damaged by all attacks.
- Players in creative mode can modify the portal name.
- Players in adventure mode cannot place or destroy blocks. You can use this feature to design RPG maps or levels.
- Four identity permissions are introduced, including: player, administrator, server owner, and developer. The administrator, server owner, and developer have creative game modes. You can enter “master <online player name>” through the server background to give a player the authority to serve as the master.
- A client-side command system has been introduced. Players under different game modes and different identity permissions have different commands.
- A more powerful server-side command system has been introduced, and the server-side has developer permissions in creative mode by default.
- The client can enter “\help” to view all available commands.
- The client chat box supports pressing the TAB key to quickly complete instructions and parameters.
- Server owners and above can enter “/admin <online player name>” to give the designated player the administrator authority.
- The server owner and above can enter “/noadmin <online player name>” to cancel the administrator authority of the designated player.
- The server can enter “master <online player name>” to give the designated player the authority to serve as the master.
- The server can enter “nomaster <online player name>” to cancel the designated player’s master authority.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/killp” command to kill the specified player.
- Players in creative mode can enter the “/spawn” command to teleport to the spawn point.
- Players in creative mode can enter the “/home” command to teleport to the spawn point.
- Players in creative mode can enter the “/ex value” command to add experience points.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/exp value” command to add experience points to designated players.
- Players in creative mode can enter “/give <item ID name> [number of items]” command to get the specified item.
- Administrators and above can enter “/givep <online player name> <item ID name> [item quantity]” command to specify items to the designated player.
- Players in creative mode can enter the “/buff <buff ID name> <duration>” command to obtain the specified buff.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/buffp <online player name> <buff ID name> <duration>” command to specify the buff for the specified player.
- Players in creative mode can enter “/enchant <enchant ID name> <enchant level>” to add specific enchants to the handheld items.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/gamemodew <game mode>” command to modify the game mode of the current world.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/gamemodep <online player name> <game mode>” command to modify the game mode of the specified player.
- Players in creative mode can enter “/npc <NPCID name> [coordinate X=8] [coordinate Y=8]” to generate an NPC at the specified location, and the coordinate parameter ~ represents the offset from the current location.
- Players in creative mode can input “/effect <special effect ID name> [coordinate X=8] [coordinate Y=8]” to generate a special effect at the specified location.
- Players in creative mode can enter “/tp coordinate X coordinate Y” to teleport to the specified coordinate position.
- Administrators and above can enter “/tpp <online player name> coordinate X coordinate Y” to teleport an online player to the specified coordinate location.
- Players can enter “/me message” to broadcast a message about themselves.
- Players can enter “/msg <online player name> message” to send a private message to the designated player.
- The server can enter “say message” to broadcast a message.
- Players in creative mode can enter the “/clear” command to empty the backpack.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/clearp <online player name>” command to clear the backpack of the specified player.
- In creative mode, you can enter “/day number” to adjust the day and night time.
- In the creative mode, you can enter “/dayf hour[minute=0] [second=0]” to adjust the day and night alternate time according to the real life time format, for example, enter “/dayf 12” to adjust the time to noon, enter “/dayf 21 30” will adjust the time to 21:30 in the evening.
- In the creative mode, you can enter “/dayspeed speed” to determine the elapsed speed of day and night time. (Made in heaven!)
- In creative mode, you can enter “/daylock” to lock the current day and night time. (The World!)
- In creative mode, you can enter “/dayunlock” to unlock the current day and night time.
- In the creative mode, you can enter “/wea time” to set the progress of the current weather event. The valid range of time is [1, 216000].
- In creative mode, you can enter “/stopwea” to stop the current weather event.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/save” command to save the current game data immediately.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/autosave-on” command to turn on the autosave mode.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/autosave-off” command to close the autosave mode.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/port” command to view the server port number.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/state” command to view the status of the server.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/pvp-on” command to turn on the player battle mode.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/pvp-off” command to close the player battle mode.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/safeblow-on” command to turn on the explosion protection mode.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/safeblow-off” command to close the explosion protection mode.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/players” command to view all online players and session IP and port numbers.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/kick <online player name>” command to kick the designated player.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/kickall” command to kick all players.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/banip” command to block the specified IP.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/nobanip” command to unblock the specified IP.
- Administrators and above can enter the “/blacklist” command to view the server blacklist.
- Now you can load custom textures through mod, you need to register in mod_textures.json, and use Reg.ModTexture(texture ID name) to get custom textures.
- Now you can make new items, equipment, tools, ammunition, and weapons through mods. You can refer to the items.json and item_config.json files of the TC source code.
- Now you can write new tool and weapon logic through mods, such as how to shoot projectiles. You can refer to the scripts/items folder of the TC source code.
- Now you can make new blocks through mods, and support custom block presets, block animation machine templates, block particle effect templates, and custom vein generation. Refer to the blocks.json and block_config.json files of the TC source code.
- Now the collision logic of the block can be programmed through the mod. Refer to the scripts/blocks folder of the TC source code. (Block entities and UI are not supported temporarily, please wait for future updates)
- New trees can now be added through mods. Refer to the trees.json file of the TC source code.
- It is now possible to make new fluids through mods, including viscosity coefficients, additional state effects, etc. Refer to the liquids.json file of the TC source code.
- It is now possible to make new projectiles through mods, and allows writing custom projectile AI. The registration method can refer to the projectiles.json and projectile_config.json files of the TC source code, and the AI writing method can refer to the scripts/projectiles folder of the TC source code.
- It is now possible to make new creatures (NPC) through mods, and allow the writing of custom creature AIs. The registration method can refer to the npcs.json and npc_config.json files of the TC source code, and the AI writing method can refer to the scripts/npcs folder of the TC source code.
- Now you can make bone models through mods. For registration method, please refer to the skeletons.json file of TC source code. For usage, please refer to the control of bone model in scripts/npcs/npc_human.lua.
- It is now possible to make new particle effects through mods, and allows to write custom effects AI. For the registration method, please refer to the effects.json and effect_config.json files of the TC source code, and the AI writing method can refer to the scripts/effects folder of the TC source code.
- Now you can use AI’s inheritance relationship to realize AI’s dependency relationship. (by using defaultAI)
- Now you can use modData to support data expansion for NPC, projectiles, and effects. Currently supported data types include: int, double, bool, ItemSlot and corresponding array forms.
- It is now possible to create new BUFF through the mod, and write the logic generated by the BUFF. The registration method can refer to buffs.json of TC source code, and the writing method can refer to the scripts/buffs folder of TC source code.
- Now you can make new enchantments through mods and write the logic of enchantments. The registration method can refer to the enchantments.json of the TC source code, and the writing method can refer to the scripts/enchantments folder of the TC source code.
- Now you can make new skins through mods, you can refer to the skins.json file of the TC source code.
- Now you can add new sound effects and sound effect groups through the mod, please refer to the sound.json and sound_config.json files of the TC source code.
- Now it is possible to make new buildings or building groups through mods. The buildings are made with png drawing, and buildings are dynamically generated in the form of multi-component splicing. You can refer to the buildings.json file and buildings folder of the TC source code.
- Now you can create new surface biomes through mods, and add new blocks, placements, buildings, NPC generation, loot, background and other data to the original surface biomes. You can refer to surface_boimes.json of the TC source code.
- Now you can create new underground biomes through mods, and add new blocks, placements, buildings, NPC generation, loot and other data to the original underground biomes. You can refer to the underground_boimes.json of the TC source code.
- Now you can add new blocks, placed objects, buildings, NPC generation, loot, background and other data to the original nether layer biome through the mod. Please refer to nether_boimes.json of the TC source code.
- Now you can write custom commands through mods. For registration, please refer to the commands.json of the TC source code. For writing methods, please refer to the scripts/commands folder of the TC source code.
- Now you can add special NPC spawning methods through mods. Please refer to spawns.json of TC source code.
- Now you can add custom crafting recipes, smelting recipes, brewing recipes, and repair tables through mods. You can refer to the recipes.json file of the TC source code.
- The universal recipe type template is implemented, refer to the recipe_config.json file of the TC source code. (Because the mod support of the block entity is not yet implemented, the new recipe type has no effect temporarily)
- You can now see the items in the player’s hands.
- Added more numerical attributes to the item detail bar.
- Now the enchanted equipment and weapons use a new shader, with a purple flashing effect.
- Added the sound effect of enchanting success.
- The sound effect of the bat has been modified.
- Added new staff sound effects.
- Enemies holding weapons will now have higher stack damage.
- Speed BUFF now has smoke particle effects in the air. (Source code: scripts/buffs/speed.lua)
- Now the Depth Strider enchant can speed up the player’s movement in the fluid. (Source code: scripts/enchantments/depth_strider.lua)
- The thorn enchantment will now bounce damage to the attacker. (Source code: scripts/enchantments/thorns.lua)
- Now the bloody eye only fires bullets when the player is visible. The frequency of firing bullets has been changed to 2 seconds per shot, and the firing sound effect has been modified. (Source code: scripts/npcs/bloody_eye.lua)
- The movement AI of the Hell Eater is modified to a sprint AI. (Source code: scripts/npcs/hell_eater.lua)
- The movement AI of Man Eater is modified to sprint AI. (Source code: scripts/npcs/man_eater.lua)
- Now ice magic has multiple rebound effects. (Source code: scripts/projectiles/ice_magic.lua)
- Frost Arrow now has a rebound effect. (Source code: scripts/projectiles/ice_arrow.lua)
- Now the tracking magic can be tracked more accurately, and special effects have been modified. (Source code: scripts/projectiles/shadow_magic.lua)
- Now tracking arrows can be tracked more accurately, and special effects have been modified. (Source code: scripts/projectiles/sword_arrow.lua)
- The Fire Arrow enchantment is now in effect, and it only works on wooden arrows. (Source code: scripts/items/bow.lua)
- Multi-shot and Piercing enchantments are now in effect. (Source code: scripts/items/cross_bow.lua)
- Players will now catch fire after touching a magma block. (Source code: scripts/blocks/magma_block.lua)
- Slowed down the player’s walking speed on the soul sand. (Source code: scripts/blocks/soul_sand.lua)
- Now the underwater speed digging enchantment can speed up the player’s digging speed in the fluid. (Source code: scripts/enchantments/aqua_affinity.lua)
- Enchanting now has no effect on guns.
- Now Bane of Arthropods Enchantment, Smite Enchantment, and Sharpness Enchantment conflict with each other.
- Now protection enchantments, explosion protection enchantments, flame protection enchantments, and projectile protection enchantments conflict with each other.
- Now Infinity Enchantments only work on bows, and no longer work on crossbows.
- Now knockback and knockback enchants only work on swords.
- Multi-shot enchantment and piercing enchantment now conflict with each other, and only take effect on crossbows.
- Now the power enchantment and punch enchantment only work on the bow.
- The quick charge enchantment now only works on crossbows.
- Now the equipment and tools of the Netherite series are no longer made through crafting table, but need to be made through anvils.
- Two female skin textures have been added (one of them is provided by 赤月中の红尘).
- Modified some of the item textures.
- Modified part of the block textures, now the background will have a clearer appearance.
- Improved the shadow effect of the block rendering, which can make the foreground and the background more clear and low-resolution.
- When the player walks, the sound of walking will be played.
- The sound effect of the door is modified to the original MC sound effect.
- Added theme song music Overworld, produced by NJune.
- Improve the security of the server.
- Now the player login account is no longer case sensitive.
- The fuel value of charcoal is reduced to half of its original value.
- The equipment and items related to industry and tower defense have been removed and will be re-added in the industrial MOD and tower defense MOD.
BUG repair:
- Fixed the issue that the dispenser always faces to the left.
- Fixed the problem that creepers didn’t explode in time after being expansion.
- Fixed the issue that the player would teleport after touching the angled slope.